Company type: Limited liability company (sole proprietorship of legal person invested or controlled by natural person)??
General manager: Li Chen??
Established in: August 2015??
Registered capital:? 500 million RMB??
Regional status:? Chengdu Kingfa has the most complete product portfolio of modified plastics and is the largest supplier of modified plastics in the western region. We have the largest market share of advanced (modified) materials for automotive and household appliances in the western region.??
Base area: A total of 53 hectares??
Annual sales:? 1 billion RMB in 2017??
Business scope: R&D, manufacturing and sales of various high-performance advanced materials, including PP, PE, and ABS/PC compounds and various standard and engineering plastics and alloys??
Project scope: Five projects including: composite material for new energy vehicle, fully biodegradable material, carbon fiber and composite material, advanced material research and development center