Company name: Kingfa Sci & Tech. (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.?
Company type: limited liability company?
General manager: Guoxiong Chen??
Established on: August 5, 2015??
Registered capital: 250,000 US dollars (about 1,734,200 yuan)?
Location: Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia?
Base area: office (150 square meters)?
Business scope: production, import and export of general modified plastics, eco-friendly recycled plastics, promote Kingfa’s materials to well-known companies in the automotive, home appliance, electrical and electronics industries in Malaysia. Kingfa Malaysia makes good use of the preferential tariff policy among ASEAN countries to open up the entire ASEAN market, and will help the company save significant tax costs when developing plastics trade in ASEAN countries. Meanwhile,?
Malaysia is playing an important role in coping with the high pressure of tariffs in the Sino-US trade war, so the establishment of Kingfa Malaysia plays a crucial part in expanding market share in ASEAN countries and connecting the business between China and US.?